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Membership of the Institute, as a full member, is open to those who can satisfy the Institute as to their competence in permaculture design and have a recognised diploma in the subject. Associate membership is open to those who have completed a recognised permaculture 72 hour design course and who have apprenticed themselves to full members of the Institute. The award of the diploma represents the transition from apprentice to practitioner. (To avoid confusion, we often refer to full members as “diploma-holders” or “diplomats”).


Public information

You may view a public list of Members of the Institute

This site provides a convenient place (via the "applications" link below) to register for an apprenticeship and the diploma in permaculture design. You can find more information about the diploma here .


Apply for membership

If you do not already have a Diploma in Permaculture Design, you will need to be working with a designer who is already a member of the Institute. If you have any questions about this, e-mail us here.

Sign up for full membership (diploma-holderas)

Sign up for associate membership (design course certificate-holders and diploma apprentices)


Membership Services

Once your application has been accepted, you will need to sign in to access the member services. Click on the "Member login" option, above right, in the heading area. You will be redirected to your personal "home" page, but you will now see the "Member Services" menu at the top of the right hand panel. You may then select an item from this menu.


Just been accepted as a Member ?

If you have logged in for the first time, you may start here.